Erin White – THATCamp New Souths 2014 Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:04:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jackson Ward, then and now Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:11:08 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

THANKS to everybody who helped out with this!

Update 3/19: VCU Libraries Archives Coordinator Ray Bonis sent along a collection of even older photos of the Jackson Ward neighborhood in 1907 from the Internet Archive.

Original proposal:

So much of the South and southern identity is tied to a sense of place. Time passes, people come and go, but geography stays the same. I am fascinated by this idea.

VCU Libraries has a great set of 1970s photos of Richmond’s historically African-American Jackson Ward district both in our Digital Collections site and on Flickr.

I propose we stroll over to Jackson Ward, make then-and-now photos of some of these structures, and find a way to share these photos in a way that tells a story about the neighborhood and the city.

]]> 5 hands-on workshop Fri, 14 Mar 2014 16:44:15 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Howdy, all. I’m looking forward to our Oomeka-logomeka workshop this afternoon. Here are the supplemental links and presentation slides for the workshop.

Note: this workshop is intended for beginners, so if you have lots of experience with Omeka this may be too basic for you.


Here are my in-progress presentation slides covering what Omeka’s all about, the basics of structuring sites, exhibits, etc.

We’ll be using for the hands-on portion of the exercises.

Sites using Omeka: there are so many! Here’s a rabbit-hole of omeka sites:

Supplemental handouts – basic omeka how-to’s, cribbed shamelessly from Miriam Posner’s intro to Omeka workshop:

Links from the session
